$3,800 in Great Prizes!!!!
Prizes will be awarded in two categories: middle and high school. Winning posters showing the most originality in delivery of the message, and artistic expression are eligible for the following prizes:
- First Prize in each school category: $150 in art supplies to the winner, and $150 in art supplies to the art program of the artist’s school/organization
- Second Prize in each school category: $100 in art supplies to the winner, and $100 in art supplies to the art program of the artist’s school/organization
- Third Prize in each school category: $75 in art supplies to the winner, and $75 in art supplies to the art program of the artist’s school/organization
- Honorable Mention(2) in each school category: $50 in art supplies to the winner, and $50 in art supplies to the art program of the artist’s school/organization
- Finalists (5) in each school category: $25 in art supplies to the winner, and $25 in art supplies to the art program of the artist's school/organization.
For Winners and their Schools
Producer's Award
We are thrilled to announce that the College of Marin is offering $1,400 in scholarships to the Producer's Award winner and the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners in the high school category. Scholarship can be applied to the cost of fees, textbooks, or supplies, with no expiration date.

Youth Poster Contest is a fiscally sponsored project of MarinLink, a California nonprofit corporation exempt from federal tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service #20-0879422.
The poster that best communicates and illustrates the overarching theme of the contest - Empowering Youth to Change Our World - will be awarded the Producer's Award.
This very special prize is a $500 scholarship to art, design, or related courses at the College of Marin. Plus a $200 gift certificate for art supplies, a $700 total prize!